Glenmore Road Public School

Vitai Lampada, The Torch of Life

Telephone02 9360 4880

Creative arts

Creative arts is mandatory for students from Kindergarten to Year 6. 

In creative arts, students discover a variety of art forms through a study of dance, drama, music and visual arts where they learn to appreciate, compose, listen, make and perform.

Each art form has its own unique knowledge and skills, elements or concepts as well as a capacity to inspire and enrich lives.

Artistic performances

From time to time the school will elect to attend or host visits from various performers which may include drama, dance, music/song, language, poetry, environmental studies, science, sport etc. Parents will be informed of these events and a fee to cover costs may be requested. This information will be made available to parents.


Students at Glenmore Road Public School are offered the opportunity to join the School Concert Band from Year 3 onwards. Students are matched to a woodwind (flute, clarinet, saxophone), a brass (trumpet, saxophone, trombone, baritone) or percussion (drums, tuned percussion, keyboard) instrument.

Each week students participate in a small group tutorial with a professional tutor and attend a combined full band rehearsal. All our instrumentalists learn to read music and play their instrument in a ‘team’ situation. Most aspects of our Band program have been out-sourced to a small company called ‘Directions in Music’. More information about this company can be found at the website

A staff member acts as the liaison person between the school and the company. During the final term, Year 2 students are invited to sign-up for the band for the following year and current band members are asked to rejoin. We have two bands, a junior and senior band. As students progress in their playing they can be promoted to the senior band. Students perform at local community events and enter band competitions such as the Yamaha Music Festival.

Band camps are organised to further develop the band program. Music concerts are held throughout the year to profile the band and music program at school.


The school has a reputation for excellence in dance. All students have the opportunity to participate in dance lessons by a specialist teacher. Students in Years 3-6 can participate in Wakakirri and/or Schools Spectacular. We have a bi-annual dance concert held at NIDA in which all students K-6 participate.